Monday, August 8, 2011

In the Beginning

This is my first attempt at blogging so bear with me. For those who have wandered here I appreciate the time you are investing in reading my thoughts. Let me first explain the title of this blog.

"Jesus Evicted" - Some may think it harsh, combative or downright mean. I am not angry at Jesus or God. It's hard to be angry at someone who does not exist and that's my position here. I created this blog to express my thoughts and feelings regarding my position on Christianity and specifically how I relate to the institution.  I no longer hold to the belief that Jesus "lives in me"....hence "Jesus Evicted".

By evicting Jesus, I am consciously and actively removing a ficticious "lord" and taking my own house back. From this point I choose to use my own intellect and experiences as the guiding force in my life and not the writings of dead men packaged and marketed under the guise of an all-knowing all-powerful deity.

With this declaration come obstacles. These obstacles take the form of a wife of 21 years, 3 teen children and a network of friends who are all subscribers to the christian faith. 

Join me as I navigate the future ahead of me. I welcome your comments and criticisms.